by The Buddy Apps Imperative Ltd

Health & Fitness

free is your personal AI copilot for your phone.It alerts you in realtime to unhealthy phone use. It engages you in a supportive dialogue. It suggests and encourages your preferred activities.It tunes into your current situation and mindset.Based on principles from psychotherapy, and combined with app blocker technology and a productivity approach built especially for ADHD, it helps both practically and compassionately.== Your Data ==By giving access to your browser and app activity, we recognise that you are trusting us treat your data with respect.We do want to learn more about you and all our users so that we can genuinely help - building a better, more sophisticated app. We will always be upfront about what data we can and do collect, and give you control and options wherever does not currently track or store your browsing history. We only track and store:* usage data of websites and apps that you specifically tell us you want help with* the times and frequency of your sessions - times when you choose to do something you have told us to help you with* which in-app features you engage with* your answers to in-app questions and interactions (e.g. mood & energy questionnaires)* your app configuration data* How our in-app engagements do or do not make a difference for you== App permissions asks for the following permissions when you install it. They are all optional, though the background service that underpins the intelligent blocker functionality can only run if they are enabled.* Accessibility - This allows us to view all your actions on your phone. We ignore everything except the urls you visit in a web browser and your app opens, and only to check if they are specifically listed by you as ones we should help you with.* Device Admin - Android has a habit of aggressively optimising app permissions and background services to keep your phone from clogging up with unwanted activities. We ask for this permission to put in a special category that prevents Android from switching off the intelligent blocker in the background. We dont do anything further with this permission.* Battery optimisation - A bit like the device admin permission, this prevents Android from switching off the intelligent blocker when the battery gets low. We try our best to make sure that doesnt use a lot of battery, so you shouldnt notice a big difference by doing this.